• Feel free to talk to us! 800-547-4841
  • Location:
    5041 New Centre Drive, Suite 107, Wilmington, NC 28150
Equip yourself with top-tier training for sustained success.

Entering the home care industry through franchising requires robust training, and that’s where the Healing Touch Home Care Agency Franchise shines. We prioritize comprehensive training, ensuring every franchisee and their team is equipped with the tools, methodologies, and knowledge to succeed. Through our specialized training, franchisees can expect to gain insights into both the nuances of home care and the intricacies of running a successful franchise.

But our support doesn’t end after initial training. We believe in continuous learning and provide our franchisees with ongoing training opportunities, updates on industry changes, and customized support. This dedication ensures that our franchisees are always at the forefront, delivering unparalleled care and driving business growth.

Ready to make a lasting impact in senior care? Contact us now and be part of the Healing Touch Home Care Agency Franchise family!